Monday, January 5, 2009

When exactly does a planet gets exalted?

When exactly does a planet gets exalted?

Now the KP confusion I'm seeing frequently, and the catch to the exaltation/debilitation game is this...Exactly WHEN is a planet considered to be exalted or debilitated? Is is just by being posited in the respective signs of exaltation or debilitation - such as Jupiter is considered debilitated simply because he is posited in Capricorn? Or Venus is considered exalted just because she is posited in Pisces? The answer to this question is no! There are refinements to strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed before blanket statements are made due to assessing these planetary strengths and weaknesses. For example, is Jupiter, when posited at 15 Cancer, considered to be in an exalted state? No! Why? Jupiter is exalted at 05 Cancer - not at 15 degrees Cancer. Orbs must be set in place and respected for the effects of exalted or debilitated status to be truly effective - sign positions alone are irrelevant when assessing planetary strengths. So to say that a planet is exalted or debilitated simply because it is posited in its sign of exaltation or debilitation is incorrect - the degrees of the sign placement are necessary to determine whether that planet is truly in an exalted or debilitated state. The KP preferred orb allowance is 50' on either side of its exaltation or debilitation degree. Below is a Table showing the exalted and debilitated placements. I sincerely hope this further clarifies the position of exaltation versus debilitation.

Hope you find the table below useful and handy. . . Until next post. . . God Speed :)

Planet Exalted Debilitated
Sun 10 Degrees Aries 10 Degrees Libra
Moon 03 Degrees Taurus 03 Degrees Scorpio
Mars 28 Degrees Capricorn 28 Degrees Cancer
Mercury 15 Degrees Virgo 15 Degrees Pisces
Jupiter 05 Degrees Cancer 05 Degrees Capricorn
Venus 27 Degrees Pisces 27 Degrees Virgo
Saturn 20 Degrees Libra 20 Degrees Aries
Rahu 20 Degrees Taurus 20 Degrees Scorpio
Ketu 20 Degrees Scorpio 20 Degrees Taurus

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